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Because you’re reading this, I know you have a dream physiquein mind—how you want your body to look and feel…

You want to have rock hard muscle that turns heads everywhere you go. And little bodyfat so that when you take off your shirt at the beach, beautiful women can’t help but stare. And other guys will do anything to avoid your shadow (so they don’t look so small in comparison to you)…

But here’s the problem. There are 3 reasons most guys just like you will never achieve their dream physiques.And will be left with puny muscle and too much body fat…

And the kicker is they can all be resolved by the very same solution every single night… If you’re anxious to find out what the solution is right now CLICK HERE. Then keep reading. 

Reason #1: Low Testosterone

Low testosterone is an epidemic among men today…

With an increasing sedentary lifestyle due to desk jobs and improvements in technology and transportation—testosterone levels are dropping. Because men are quickly losing shape and settling for fast food, junk food and anything that’s convenient. 

And as a result, guys just like you (and probably you as well)are missing out on building muscle. Because testosterone is your body’s natural muscle-building hormone…

And in order to pack on the most lean muscle mass in the shortest amount of time, you need as much of it as you can get.But the good news is—the solution to more testosterone is simple.

Solution: Better Sleep Quality

Get more sleep…

One important 2015 studyfound that the more quality sleep you get, the higher your testosterone levels will be… And the less sleep you get—the lower they’ll be. 

Which is why it’s vital that you prioritize a good night of rest…Because without it, you’ll never build muscle or burn fat ever again.And for that reason, I created a sleep enhancing testosterone booster… 

The only one of its kind that guarantees to improve your sleep and elevate your testosterone levels at the same time. So you get a double-dose of anabolic juiceflowing through your veins. 

Check out my sleep supplement PITCH BLACK HERE

Reason #2: Not Recovered

If you want to build muscle and burn fat you need to bust your butt in the gym… 

And then work just as hard to make sure your body is recovering from your workouts. Because the most important part of building muscle is the recovery phase


Which are those hours outside the gym when you eat and rest. During this time your body is healing from microtears that formed while you trained…

And the harder you recover the better your body will look.But the problem is most guys don’t recover well.  

And instead of getting loads of muscle-building rest when they need it the most, they’re stuck with late nights of “trying to recover” but struggling to fall asleep when they shut out the lights. If that sounds like you—I have a solution… 

Solution: Better Sleep Quality

Yes—better sleep quality is the solution to better recovery just as it’s the solution for low testosterone…

And the truth is that most guys will try to recover well after their workouts… But fail miserablyBecause no matter what they try, they can’t fall asleep

Sound familiar?

You need sleep to build muscle and burn fat. And one of the best ways to fall asleep once your head hits the pillow, and get the highest quality of rest every single night, is to prepare your body for rest before bed… 

By filling up on herbs and nutrients that’ll make you fall into “lights out” rest the moment you close your eyes…  

You can do that with a 15-second pre-bed ritual. Check it out HERE. 

Reason #3: Poor Sleep Quality

If you have poor sleep quality, you’ll never build muscle or burn fat again… 

And the scary truth is—most guys aren’t getting a good quality rest each night. In fact, if you’re like most men, you’re suffering from a condition known as catabolic sleep

The kind of sleep that shrink wraps your muscles and keeps them from growing. While adding fluff around your midsectionthat you can’t seem to get rid of…


Because this kind of broken sleep releases a dangerous hormone into your body known as cortisol. Also known as “testosterone’s kryptonite”.

So not only do you wake up feeling drained, unmotivated and weak… But the one hormone in your body that you need to build muscle, testosterone—won’t do what you need it to do for you. But there’s a better way…

Solution: Better Sleep Quality 

The solution to poor sleep quality, and all of its nasty side-effects, is better sleep quality…

And just as I’ve mentioned throughout this article, I’ve created the only supplement you’ll ever need in order to make that happen…

PITCH BLACK. This powerful formula is full of nature’s best sleep enhancing ingredients. And will disarm catabolic sleep… 


And instead of losing muscle in the late-night hours, PITCH BLACK will turn your body into a testosterone producing machine. So you’ll build muscle and torch fat off your body without lifting a finger. 

You need better sleep…PITCH BLACK is your solution. Grab some HERE.  

Now What? 

You have a dream physique in mind… Packed with muscle and lean all around…

But your dreams will never become a reality if you don’t get a better sleep quality. So from now on, you need to prioritize sleep…

And the first way to do that is to try out my brand new scientifically formulated, sleep enhancing testosterone booster.It’s packed with unbeatable ingredients that’ll give you the best muscle-building sleep of your life… Every night. 

Don’t miss out on your chance to grab it at a discounted rate. Pick-up PITCH BLACK HERE. 

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