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When most of us think about building muscle, we think purely physical… And before we know it out workouts become a mindless exercise session of robotic repetitions. And even though that might work a little bit for you as a beginner, you’ll leave tons of mass on the table if you don’t involve another part of your anatomy in your workout…

Your mind…  

Building muscle requires more than just picking things up and putting them down. It’s more than just lifting weights. Build muscle fast requires focus, vision and intentionality. In other words, building muscle is more than just “weight lifting.” To build the muscle you want, you need to unlock your mind if you want to unleash your full potential. 

How do you get the job done? Well, I’ve got three tips—3 mind tricks—that will get you where you want to go and help you build more muscle than you ever could without them. Check them out! 

Have A Plan

You’ve heard it said that if you fail to plan; you plan to fail… 

And that saying couldn’t be any more true than when it comes to building muscle. One of the biggest mistakes skinny guys make when trying to build muscle is hitting the gym without a plan…

Every day before you train, you need to have a plan in place for how you’re going to spend your time in the gym. What exercises you’ll be doing that day? What muscle groups or workout split will you be participating in? What rep-scheme will you be doing? 

When you know what you’re doing in the gym and why you’re doing it, you’ll stay focused during your training—and the more focused you are, the more muscle you’ll build. Plus, having a plan in place keeps you motivated on your muscle building journey. Because, for example, when you walk into the gym expecting to hit 8 repetitions of 200 lb. bench press, your session will go one of two ways. 

Either, you’ll come up short on your targeted repetitions and be motivated to beat it next time, or you’ll hit your targeted reps and be motivated to lift more next time. Either way, you leave the gym motivated—but that couldn’t have happened if you didn’t have a plan… 

Having a plan in place is so important to building muscle as fast as possible that I’ve included one for you in my FREE book Bulk Up Fast. I’ve already bought your copy for you. Just pick it up and get a plan for the gym right away. 

Utilize The Mind-Muscle Connection

Perhaps the most famous bodybuilder of all time, Arnold Schwarzenegger, is known for his emphasis on the mind-muscle connection—that when you train a particular muscle group, you need to think about the particular muscle group you’re training…

And when you do, you’ll experience explosive gains. 

Your brain is in charge of your muscle contraction, meaning you can’t actually lift any weight without your mind being a part of the movement. But when it comes to the mind-muscle connection you don’t only want to go through the motion, but you need to focus all of your attention on the motion—on the stretch and the contraction of the muscles you’re working…

When you contract a muscle, really squeeze the muscle. When you stretch the muscle, feel the stretch. If you have to slow down the repetitions to connect your mind and muscles then do that. Just get your mind involved for more muscle mass.

I go into more detail on rep-tempo and everything you need to make the most out of every repetition in my book, Bulk Up Fast. Get your FREE copy HERE

Visualize Your Goal

If you want to build muscle as fast as possible, you need to use your mind to visualize the future… 

So, at night, before bed, visualize what you want your body to look like. See your dream physique in your mind… Practice standing in front of the mirror. If you want a massive chest, flex your pecs and visualize what you want your them to become! If you want meaty hamstrings, pose in front of the mirror and imagine them…

You can also look at pictures of your favorite bodybuilders and fitness models to help visualize your goal. Look at the pictures and see yourself in them. When you practice visualization, you’ll move closer to your dream physique even when you’re not at the gym. Plus…

Visualization keeps you motivated to get back in the gym after a long day of training and taking care of all the other responsibilities you have to take care of. It keeps you excited about what’s to come on your fitness journey when you feel worn down. Keep visualizing and stay strong throughout your muscle building journey!

Now What? 

Building muscle isn’t only physical. It’s mental…

And when you utilize the 3 mind tricks that I’ve given you throughout this article, you’ll instantly improve your ability to build muscle. Don’t forget to pick up your FREE copy of my book Bulk Up Fastto pack on muscle as quickly as possible…

I’ve already bought your copy for you. Pick it up HERE


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